Camera vs Cell Cam

I had a dream, in which I was using my trusty Nikon camera, which has a great lens for people-watching and candid photography. I’ve always enjoyed candid photography; it’s so different from portraiture, that stylized and studio-set affair.
Land Rover or Land Cruiser?

When I drove out this morning, I was surprised to see parked on the street beside our driveway a fancy, expensive, Land Rover.
It brought many memories and stories to mind, since for a while when our children were fairly small, our only car was an eight-seater Land Rover. It was certainly not a fancy car. It was a workhorse which used to belong to a prospector. It was my husband’s pride and joy…
The Meaning of Life

We are in the last part of this challenging year. A year where we all had to cope with uncertainty, feelings of helplessness and needing to adapt to rapid change, as well as chaos. I have felt the value of practicing all the deep breathing techniques I teach in order to regulate myself. … I wonder what gives meaning to my life, what do I value, and what am I willing to do to preserve it?
Not surprisingly, I am not the only one asking these questions. A New York Times article caught my interest with the title “Yo-Yo Ma and the meaning of life.” …