
Art Therapy

“One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist” ― Stephen Hawking


“One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist” ― Stephen Hawking


The heaviness I feel, as well as many people I talk to feel, stems from plain living in the world today.  It is the result of watching at what happens the world over.  From wars, antisemitism, climate disasters and violence we are inundated by events which lie heavily on our existence and wellbeing.  At the end of the day, we need some relief. Music, and fluff.  Fluff is in abundance these days in books, films, tv, and even floating outside in the fields.  It is toward the end of the summer, and summer is when many of the movies and entertainment programs are light and not exactly mentally challenging. If this is true for any summer, it is more so this year. I did not see on the lists even one film which was truly thought provoking. 

The Olympics in Paris was our go to event for as long as they lasted.  It was truly spectacular.  From the opening controversial ceremony to the spectacular closing event, I was fascinated by the creativity, agility and endurance of the participants. But even here there was an annoying intrusion of endless adds that managed to break the spell of the games. Admittedly, some of the adds were clever, enjoyable and even sometimes entertaining – the first time you saw them.  But when they constantly interrupted the flow of the competitions, and repeated themselves ad nauseum, it took all the pleasure out of the performances and became annoying. The irritation was a downer that took the exciting effect out of the performances.  Even the extraordinary closing ceremony which was imaginative and exceptional, transporting the viewer into a magic enchanted world of special effects and acrobatic dance performances, was interrupted by the same old familiar adds from time to time.  Only the unbelievable stunts of Tom Cruise dropping down from the sky and driving off on his motorcycle with the Olympic flag, into a waiting airplane, was not marred by adds. Nor was his free fall parachuting over Los Angeles, where the 2028 Olympic games are going to be held.

Now that the games are over, we need to find some new fluff to watch in order to be able to leave behind the dark heavy cloud that weighs us down most of the day.  The fluff I tend to choose is mostly romantic fair that leaves you a bit high with oxytocin, with a warm glow in your chest, and a smile on your face.  My husband, on the other hand, choses the old reruns of “the big bang theory”, which I must admit are somewhat clever, and funny, if you did not see them many times before. There are always also reruns of the old CSIs and Criminal cases, and I let him chose those when I am trying to be nice to him, but usually I win, or the romantic movies win.

 The one genre of film we both enjoy is the animated well done and supposedly children movies, like the old Hoodwinked! And Hoodwinked Too! Which are clever, funny and truly enjoyable. And then there is the one with the Minyons. Despicable me 1. 2. 3. 4. And all the Minions.  Realy delightful, and we can both watch them anytime, enjoy and lough.

Actually there is a scientific explanationfor why playfulness and fluff are efective in counteracting feelings of loneliness and fear after trauma. Imagination which is a component in play is important aliviating depression, stress and even PTSD symptoms. Prof. Mooli Lahad cals the condition  Psychotrauma, which he describes as a disturbance of imagination.   He also sais that Post Trauma is a contiuous vigilance in order not to remember.  People who were able to use playfulness and imagination faired better in creating resilience and having playfull connections with other adults. The trend to have movies that transport you into imaginary worlds, even the scary ones, it turns out, is beneficial to engage you to emotionaly experience fear, that you know belongs to an imaginary situation rather than something you actually experienced in the real world.  There is a great relief, and even laughter when you manage to “ escape” from the event.  Even if you dream about it and get palpitations, it is actually the bodie’s way to work through real events. 

People who have dificulties in entering playfolness, are actually physiologically unstable, not grounded or unable to both stand on guard and play.  What is neccessary is a way to enter into a playfull mind set both with oneself and others.  Jokes, cartoons, humour in general, helps stabilize situations and create a better atmosphere that enables people to better survive, even long term devastating situations.  The ability to imagine, and engage with the imagined pleasant place, re-experience emotional well being, helps to ground and stabilize emotional resiliance.  When Victor Frenkel told his story of survival in the hell of Auschwitz, he shared the role of imagination in maintaining hope.  One of the main survival elements is indeed hope and maintaining purpose. If you are able to see and create purpose in your life you can withstand even the most dificult condiotions. 

During the past 10 month I have been nurturing my hope and sanity by being actively involved in encouraging, supervising and listening to therapists and friends about their dificulties in treating traumatised clients , and maintaining their own hope.  This required me to make sure I am graunded and able to be regulated in order to co-regulate with them and inspire hope.  That is why it was so important for me to review the ways I use to balance my well being, and perhaps have some of you benefit from my ramblings.  I try to spread activities during large parts of the day, and to have rest times with playfulness.  That means some writing, playing in the garden when it is not too hot.  Yes, even in Canada it gets rather hot, and than I go swinning at my friend’s backyard pool.  I still weave in a qigong session once a week, and pine for the wonderful teacher and group I have in Karmiel twice a week. I try to make space for playing with clay and creating some more usable funk. Not too shaby for an old lady.  So I hope.  I hope there will be soon return to some sanity, I hope people will continue to create and see fluff in their life.  I hope we continue to play with fluff in nature by blowing dandilion fluff and other fluffy plants which will spread and becone plants and flowers and again fluff to fill us with joy and laughter.


— 2024-08-18