
Art Therapy

“One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist” ― Stephen Hawking


“One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist” ― Stephen Hawking


I was about 5 years old, a curious kid, finally in what felt like a permanent home.  Someone had left a ladder going up to the “boidem” (known generally as an attic).  It was really only a shelf built below the ceiling of the hallway.  I climbed up, eager to find out what was there.  Old suitcases, vaguely familiar, but what hid inside them?

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Covid or Corona

To all who thought the pandemic was over, my latest experience proves that it is not exactly so.  Recently I returned from a great conference in Pittsburgh with over 1500 art therapists participating, only to douse my enthusiasm …

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The heaviness I feel, as well as many people I talk to feel, stems from plain living in the world today. It is the result of watching at what happens the world over. From wars, antisemitism, climate disasters and violence we are inundated by events which lie heavily on our existence and wellbeing. At the end of the day, we need some relief. Music, and fluff.

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Gut feeling

Lately I am obsessed with the notion of gut feelings. What exactly is it, what does it convey to us, is it even a valid feeling? It turns out that I am not the only one obsessed with the notion of gut feelings, and that listening to your gut is literally equal to listening to your brain.

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As I was looking out of the window of my dining room today, I could not believe my eyes. For the past few weeks, the old mass of Agave growth shot up a huge column. I looked it up, and it is an Agave Americana— commonly called a “century plant” — which is native to Mexico and parts of the United States, specifically Texas. The “century” designation is deceptive, as the plant does not live to be 100 years old.

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What Changed– מה נשתנה

Every year we sit at the Passover Seder table and ask, what changed? How is this night different from all other nights? There are 4 traditional questions, all to do with the customs of this night. In the new Passover Israeli Haggadah, that I just purchased, there is a story about the famous physicist Isador Rabi who “blames” his mother for making him a scientist

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