While considering a domain name for my website, I sought something to incorporate all aspects of my work with clients as an art therapist. The essence of therapy is first and foremost connection and dealing with pain. The Latin translation of “Art Therapy”, according to Google Translate, was “Lorem artis”. However, do not always trust Dr. Google – the round-trip translation produces “lorem trade”! The word “lorem” does not appear in any online Latin dictionaries.
I did, however, find a reference on OpenCulture.com to the standard “filler text” passage that begins with “Lorem Ipsum.” This is a garbling of Latin that makes no real sense. “Lorem” seems to originate from “dolorem,” meaning pain, suffering, or sorrow. This passage is apparently derived from the writings of Cicero, who was famous in his time as a rhetorician. His writing became the benchmark for prose in Latin, the standard European language of the middle ages. The passage that generated Lorem Ipsum translates in part to:
“Nor is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure.”
Pain drives a person to seek therapy. While therapy itself is painful, it brings much pleasure to the client who, through their art, works through the situation that caused the pain. In addition, just as my research into “Lorem Artis” involved detective work and peeling away layers of meaning, so too does the therapy journey often involve a similar process.
I therefore decided to use LoremArtis as the name for my website, despite Dr. Google’s inconsistency. In fact, this also reflects another aspect of the therapy process – things are not always as they seem, and not always consistent.
I designed my logo to reflect the connection and compassion that exist when people come together in the therapeutic environment of Art Therapy.