What Changed– מה נשתנה

Every year we sit at the Passover Seder table and ask, what changed? How is this night different from all other nights? There are 4 traditional questions, all to do with the customs of this night. In the new Passover Israeli Haggadah, that I just purchased, there is a story about the famous physicist Isador Rabi who “blames” his mother for making him a scientist
Freedom and Spring Holiday

Three religions are celebrating this month central holidays in their canon. Ramadan, which started last Saturday, will coincide this weekend with Passover and Easter. My Easter lily has just started blooming. Everywhere in the world worshipers of all 3 religions are engaged in preparations for their rituals…

This week Israel is celebrating 73 years of independence. I find the concept of independence a bit strange, and even in a way an oxymoron, since the meaning attributed to the word is freedom, or being self-sufficient…