The first time I heard the word serendipity was many years ago when I encountered by chance a person who became a lifelong friend
Fall Fair
After two years of cancelation, the fall fairs have returned…
Gould’s Wall
Who would have thought a wall, a vertical object, could become a stage to perform an opera on? This was certainly not a conventional opera…
Watch the Watch
Sometimes a particular watch becomes part of your persona. You remember the time you bought it, the reaction of the people who noticed it, and the joy you experienced when they actually recognized what it represented. Such was the case with my iconic Dali watch…
Repairing The World, Repairing Ourselves
An interesting question was brought to my mind by listening to Steven Porges, the developer of polyvagal theory: How do we deal with what we call anxiety in an era in which the world is unsafe? …
Transformational Retreat
Treat yourself to a magical 3-day retreat at Sally’s Brook…
Safety, Belonging, and Dignity
Participating in a course on Safety, Belonging and Dignity with Staci Haines has left an indelible mark on my way of relating to myself, and added an important component to my work with my clients…
Sixty Seconds
Between grief and joy, between the Memorial Day for soldiers fallen in the wars and for victims of terror attacks, and the beginning of the festivities for Independence Day in Israel, are exactly 60 seconds.
Freedom and Spring Holiday
Three religions are celebrating this month central holidays in their canon. Ramadan, which started last Saturday, will coincide this weekend with Passover and Easter. My Easter lily has just started blooming. Everywhere in the world worshipers of all 3 religions are engaged in preparations for their rituals…
The Responsible Adult
My husband woke me up to tell me he had a dream. He dreamt that someone knocked at the door and when he opened, he found standing there 2 sisters of a close friend of ours. I told him it could not be, since our friend has a sister and a brother. His response was “Well, you can’t trust dreams any more.” …